Who We Are

Founded by Benson O.I. Churchill

At Pretty Polished Paw, we love dogs and want to make each experience a Happy One. We are Dog’s Happy Place, From Small to Big and everything in between we treat them the way you will treat with love and respect. Grooming time should be a Happy time. We understand that every dog has different needs, and we work to accommodate those needs. We are not a one size fits all grooming salon. We have made grooming your dog easy. By providing option to have it professionally done or you can do it yourself. And by the way who said you’re not professional…. I am sure your dog thinks you are. We have experienced groomers and bathing staff who knows how to handle and interact with dogs. Pretty Polished Paw is all about dogs and grooming made easy.

Hola! Meet the Founders


I am a father, dog lover and OCD about cleanness(maybe a few other things lol).